POTD: Felon

POTD: Felon

  • Subcutaneous pyogenic infection of the pulp space compartment of the distal finger

  • Can often be confused with paronychia or herpetic whitlow (fingertip pain but should not cause taut erythema) which can sometimes present with volar erythema

  • High risk to progress to osteomyelitis, Flexor Tenosynovitis!

Clinical Features:

  • Erythematous, edematous, tense distal pulp space with significant pain and tenderness

  • May see necrotic appearing tissue distally due to increased pressure in space 

Work Up:

  • Usually diagnosed clinically

  • XR: No foreign body, soft tissue swelling pulp of thumb

  • US: Use the water bath technique to see a potential fluid collection

  • Digital Nerve Block

  • I & D is the cornerstone of management: 

  • Apply a latex glove finger tourniquet

  • If the felon is on patient’s index, middle or ring finger, make the incision of the ulnar aspect

  • If the felon is on patient’s thumb or pinky, make the incision of the radial aspect

  • Using your #11 blade start your incision 5mm distal to flexor DIP crease and end 5mm proximal to nail plate border. Digital arteries and nerves arborize near DIT. Avoid those!

  • Blunt dissect and break any loculations until the abscess is decompressed

  • Avoid the "fishmouth" incision. Potentially can cause an unstable finger pad, neuroma or loss of sensation

  • Antibiotics: Cover for Staph (MRSA) and strep


  • Home with follow up in the hand clinic or ED in 1-2 days. 

Check out this video to see it done:  

Stay well,

TR Adam


Hello, World!


POTD: Dog Bites


In celebration of the Year of the Dog, we wanted to cover management of dog bites.

According to CDC data from 2015, there are approximately 4.5 million dog bites per year in the United States with 1 out of 5 requiring medical attention. The wounds tend to be crush injuries with a greater risk of underlying fracture due to the strength of the dog’s jaws. Pay attention to distal neurovascular status, tendon involvement, joint violation and the presence of foreign bodies. A low threshold to x-ray is valuable. These wounds should be debrided and cleaned with well pressured irrigation.

Classically tested, the most common pathogen that creates infection in wounds is Pasteurella Canis (and other Pasteurella species). Immunosuppressed, alcoholics, smokers or asplenic patients should raise concern for Capnocytophagia canimorsus (a gram-negative rod) that causes particularly devastating illness with meningitis and septic shock reported.

Antibiotic prophylaxis/treatment of choice is with amoxicillin-clavulanate 875/125mg twice a day for 10-14 days. Other bacteria of interest include staphylococci, streptococci, and anaerobes. Remember this isn't your run of the mill cellulitis, cephalexin will not cut it.

Repairing these bites has been a subject of debate. REBEL-EM did a great job covering the myths for these wounds with two of the major studies. (link below)

Using 3-7% as a normal wound infection rate for all lacerations, the thought is that you can attempt a closure on some of these wounds for cosmesis. Good indications for closure would be a clean appearing wound that can receive significant irrigation that is <8 hours old. Wounds greater than 8 hours old had greater than a 20% chance of infection if closed in a study by Paschos et al.

Well vascularized areas perform better with closure – the face/scalp. We use non-absorbable sutures and no buried sutures to reduce the burden of foreign bodies present – minimizing infectious risk.

Tetanus should be given to patients suffering dog bites if they have not received it in the past 5 years. Rabies vaccination + rabies immunoglobulin should be considered for dog bites occurring in the USA from dogs that cannot be monitored and/or are unvaccinated. People previously vaccinated against the rabies virus do not need the immunoglobulin but can take part in the 0, 3, 7, 14 series tailored per local infectious disease recommendations.

Dog bites that return to the ED with infection should be cultured (with peripheral smear added for patients at risk of Capnocytophagia). The area should be imaged to assess the integrity of the bone.

Happy year of the dog!

Read More

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preventing Dog Bites. http://www.cdc.gov/features/dog-bite-prevention/index.html. May 18, 2015.

Paschos NK et al. Primary closure versus non-closure of dog bite wounds. A radomised controlled trial. Injury 2014 45(1): 237-40PubMed ID: 23916901

Medeiros IM, Saconato H. Antibiotic prophylaxis for mammalian bite (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008 (3); PubMed ID: 11406003

Butler T et al. Capnocytophaga canimorsus: an emerging cause of sepsis, meningitis, and post-splenectomy infection after dog bites. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015 34(7): 1271-80. PubMed ID: 25828064
