Maimonides EM Heads to the 2023 CORD Academic Assembly in Las Vegas!
Medical Education Division from the 2022 CORD Academic Assembly (not pictured, Minh Evans MD)
March 20, 2023
The annual 2023 Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine (CORD) Academic Assembly will be held this year in the exciting city of Las Vegas, NV. Below are highlights of the TREMENDOUS accomplishments and leadership of the current residents, fellows, and faculty who will be representing our department at the biggest national conference of EM residency educators. Many alumni of our residency and fellowship programs are also presenting this year, but the list would be too long to name them all! Congratulations to these fabulous doctors on their hard work and dedication to advancing the specialty.
Maimo Award-Winners @ CORD
Kimbia Arno, MD: CORD Academy Member Award in Teaching and Evaluation
Jeanette Kurbedin, DO: CORD Academy Scholar Award in Teaching and Evaluation
Maimo Leadership @ CORD
Moshe Weizberg, MD: President of CORD (wow!)
Arlene Chung, MD: Board Member for the CORD Board of Directors and Co-Director of the MERC Program at CORD
Matt Tinkham, MD: Program Rep for the EMRA Representative Council
Caroline Paz, DO: Alternate Program Rep for the EMRA Representative Council (voting member at RepCo this year) and Assistant Vice Chair of the EMRA Wellness Committee
Research Abstract Presentations @ CORD
Addy Hussain MD, Chris Kuhner MD, Ridhima Ghei MD, Jeanette Kurbedin DO. "Expanding an Emergency Medicine Sub-Internship Mentorship Program."
Julie Cueva DO, Lindsay MacConaghy MD, Madeleine Alexeeva DO, Peter Moffett MD, Nathan Stuempfig DO. "Are First-Year Emergency Medicine Residents Still Behind on Level 1 Care-Based Milestones?"
Julie Cueva DO, Nick Jobeun DO, Shivani Mody DO. "Medical Education Fellowship - Who’s Doing It and Why?"
Ridhima Ghei MD, Joe Liu DO, Emily Cen MD, Mike Danta MD, Jeanette Kurbedin DO. "Impact of Specific Resident-Driven Virtual Recruitment Sessions on Residency Applications and Match Preferences."
Shivani Mody DO, Nick Jobeun DO, Julie Cueva DO. "Medical Education and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Didactic Presentations @ CORD
Kimbia Arno MD, Jason Tehranisa MD, Timothy Fallon MD."CCC Masterclass."
Julie Cueva DO, Julia Hutchinson DO. "PEC Masterclass."
Riddhi Desai, DO. FirstUp! Speaking Competition: "Turn Fatigue Into Flow: How to Stay Ahead of Decision Paralysis."
Nick Jobeun, DO moderated by Lauren Bailey MD, John Kilpatrick MD, Jason Wagner MD: "Fellowship or Bust Panel"
Kimbia Arno MD, Eric Roseman MD. "Using Simulation Debriefing Tactics To Improve On-Shift Feedback."
Nate Zapolsky MD, Stacey Frisch MD. "Team of Champions: Creating Your Own Personal Board of Directors"
Moshe Weizberg MD, Bo Burns DO. "How to Recruit the Best Residents: Lessons from the Business World"
Shivani Mody DO, Eric Lee MD. "Assessing Medical Students Without a Numerical Step 1: How This Changes the Game!"
Stacey Frisch MD, Minh Evans MD. "Work Smarter not Harder: How to Double Your Academic Output."
Stacey Frisch MD, Casey Macvane MD. "Bump on the Bandwagon: Pregnancy Scheduling Trends and Tips"
Arlene Chung MD, Duncan Grossman DO. "Passing the Baton - Maximizing the Chief Handoff."
Eric Lee MD, Jeanette Kurbedin DO. "Stacking the Mentorship Deck! Incorporate a Formal Mentorship Program into Your EM Clerkship Today!"
Stacey Frisch MD, Kelsey Clayman MD. Clinical Pathologic Case Competition, Semi-Final Round Presentations.
Ridhima Ghei MD, Minh Evans MD, Jeanette Kurbedin DO. “EM Half-Time Huddle.”
For more information about the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine, click here.